GC Oslo Pilot presentation

Karen Byskov Lindberg from SINTEF presented the GC Oslo Pilot at the Norwegian Solar Energy Day on 19 Sept 2019 in Oslo. The event hosted about 160-180 people which gathers the majority of people working within the solar business in Norway. The audience had specific interest in the smart energy management system to be implemented at Røverkollen brl. to avoid new grid investments.  This is a major concern for several other housing cooperatives in Oslo/Norway as the electricity consumption increases drastically when charging a large amount of EVs at the same spot.

More specifically, the audience paid interest for Røverkollen’s parking garage where the current grid connection capacity is 125 kW, of which 60 % is used for electric heaters in the ground to avoid icing of the entrances in the winter. Several offered proposals on how to reduce this electricity consumption to make this capacity available for EV charging instead.

The audience was very interested in the actual results of the pilot which will be tested in real life within the next 2 years.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 769016