Deliverable summary

This deliverable presents the components that are going to be integrated in the full-scale implementation for the Barcelona pilot. The needed components and their role in the pilot have been extracted from work presented on deliverables D2.16 Description of Barcelona Pilot and User Needs and D2.17 Implementation Plan for Barcelona Pilot.

The table below lists all the components. It indicates for each component the demonstrators in which it will be used (there are three demonstrator sites). It also indicates the “Test result” for each component as follows:

  • New development (RED). The component does not yet exist and needs to be developed from scratch in the course of the project.
  • Needs adaptation (YELLOW). Testing of the component has been carried out and identified that some adaptations are needed for successful use in the pilot.
  • Approved (GREEN). The component has been tested and found to be suitable for full-scale implementation in the pilot; some work may be needed to integrate fully with other components.



Download the deliverable Pilot Component Preparation for Full-scale Pilot (Barcelona) >