9th Informed Cities Forum to cast light on electric mobility and cultural heritage


26 - 28 October
9th Informed Cities Forum: “Re-purpose. Re-charge. Re-think. Heritage and e-mobility at the crossroads”

Organised under the title: “Re-purpose. Re-charge. Re-think. Heritage and e-mobility at the crossroads”, the 9th edition of the Informed Cities Forum will cast light on cultural heritage and electric mobility.

The Forum, which will take place online 26-28 October, is a popular European interactive “un-”conference driven by ICLEI, which aims to bridge the gap between research, policy-making and action in sustainable development, at and for the local level.

Through a series of interactive sessions, this year’s forum will explore how the topics of cultural heritage and electric mobility align, and how problem solving, or specific processes might be addressed differently.

Themes explored through the joint sessions include: How do experts from the different fields respond to the same administrative hurdles, how do they interact with interest groups and the public? How do we approach new technology? Do we see similar patterns, or different ones. In addition, participants will be able to explore the individual topics of cultural heritage and electric mobility in more depth through deep dive sessions.

Unlike other online conferences, Informed Cities Forum is an interactive, collaborative event, which makes use of innovative formats, and is willing to explore unconventional topics. Active participation by the audience is not just encouraged, but is required, and will be rewarded with lively and energetic discussions.

The 9th Informed Cities is co-organised by the GreenCharge, and OpenHeritage projects. GreenCharge aims to demonstrate how technological solutions and associated business models can be integrated and deployed to overcome barriers to wide-scale adoption of EVs in Barcelona (Spain), Bremen (Germany), and Oslo (Norway). While, OpenHeritage identifies best practices of adaptive heritage re-use, develops inclusive governance models for overlooked heritage sites, and tests them in six Cooperative Heritage Labs.

For more information, and to sign-up for all the latest conference updates, click here.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 769016