Deliverable summary

The GreenCharge project aims to demonstrate how technological solutions and associated business models can be integrated and deployed to overcome barriers in wide-scale adoption of EVs. The three pilot living labs play a central role in this demonstration. GreenCharge empowers cities and municipalities to make the transition to zero emission mobility with innovative business models, technologies and guidelines for cost-efficient and successful deployment and operation of charging infrastructure for EVs. To reach these goals, stakeholders throughout Europe need to be put to action. Their perspectives are crucial in fulfilling the transitioning to zero emission mobility.

To gain insight in stakeholders’ perspective, a targeted study has been conducted on the GreenCharge value chain. The GreenCharge value chain consists of three ‘primary value chains’: Charging, Energy and EV. These primary value chains are supported by funding providers, knowledge providers, regulation providers, and other supporting roles. The stakeholder analysis enables GreenCharge to develop its platform in line with the opinions, needs and expertise of stakeholders in the value chains.

The stakeholder analysis shows that:

• Stakeholders are familiar with energy production and smart charging concepts. However, levels of expertise differ between stakeholder roles.
• Stakeholders have positive attitudes towards the transition to local renewable energy production and smart charging.
• Stakeholders in the primary value chains are concerned with multi-actor provision, charging infrastructure utilisation, effective use of local renewable energy sources, and charging infrastructure investment. Supporting roles are most concerned about charging accessibility, integration, and fairness.
• Stakeholders indicate knowledge providers as the organisation they most often collaborate with. Organisations in the Charging value chain are the least cooperative organisations.
• There are no obstructers in the transition towards the transition to zero emission/sustainable mobility. The supporting roles are regarded sceptic observers, whereas the Charging value chain stakeholders are enthusiastic observers. Stakeholders in the Energy and EV value chain are key enablers in the transition. The statement that there are no obstructers should be further explored during the project because there may be external factors or actors that could form a barrier in the transition.
• There are various projects and organisations in and around the primary value chains which share interest with GreenCharge.

All in all, different stakeholders require different approaches. Therefore, it is important to find the right way in which these stakeholders are engaged. With its communication, dissemination and exploitation, GreenCharge must aim to increase enthusiasm as well as create the feeling of empowerment amongst stakeholders.

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